Crowfield Plantation 10

by Cindy Robinson
Crowfield Plantation 10
Cindy Robinson
Photograph - Photography
Crowfield Plantation - located in Goose Creek, South Carolina - was originally granted to John Berringer in 1701. After being bought and sold over the course of years, William Middleton inherited the property from his father and built a large two-story brick house, circa 1730, on the property - naming it Crowfield Hall. He grew rice and indigo, raised cattle, made bricks, and laid out an elaborate formal garden. Unfortunately, the house was virtually destroyed by an earthquake of 1886. In the 1930s, the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company purchased the 2,850 acre plantation for its pine timber. In the 1970’s, the company whose name had changed to Westvaco, developed the property into residential housing communities and a golf course. The golf course is now owned by the city of Goose Creek, but the remains of the plantation house are owned by the Crowfield Homeowners Association and protected with a conservation easement that allows continued archaeological study.
February 15th, 2022